Board of Directors Nominating Committee

Board of Directors Nominating Committee


The Nominating Committee plays a crucial role in Association Forum’s governance process. This group is responsible for actively soliciting nominations from the membership and using a vigorous process to select the annual slate of candidates that will serve on the Forum’s Board of Directors. The Board Nominating Committee members focus year-round on identifying potential board members with experience in association/industry management and leadership and resonate with the organization's brand promise, target audiences, and critical content areas.


The Nominating Committee shall consist of five (5) Association Professional Members and two (2) Supporting Members. Members of the Nominating Committee are not eligible to stand for election to the Board or as an Officer during their term on the Nominating Committee. Nominating Committee members may not serve more than two (2) consecutive one (1) year terms in office.


The Nominating Committee is a standing committee of the Board of Directors and reports to the Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee provides regular report updates to the Board. 


  • Identify and nominate eligible candidates to succeed those Directors and Officers whose terms are set to expire on the Association Forum’s Board.
  • No later than sixty (60) days before April 1 of each year, the Nominating Committee shall recommend a slate of qualified candidates to the Board of Directors to fill each seat on the Board of Directors that is either vacant or set to expire.
  • Ensure the nominating process is transparent and results in the most qualified slate for the Board’s consideration. 


Members are required to participate in at least two virtual committee calls per year, review and evaluate board candidate applications, and dedicate a full day in January for virtual board candidate interviews. The committee will begin its work at the end of the summer/early fall.


  • Member of Association Forum for at least five consecutive years
  • Understand the Association Forum’s brand promise, target audiences, and pivotal  content areas ideally gained through volunteer participation on committees, SIGs, and other member engagement
  • Experience in association/industry management or leadership roles
  • Ability to champion diversity, equity, and inclusion in the nominating process
  • Uphold confidentiality in all matters 

Staff Liaisons

Artesha Moore, FASAE, CAE
President and CEO, Association Forum