CAE. Those three letters after your name represent professional recognition and career advancement. CAE, the Certified Association Executive, is the professional designation for the association management profession — and the Association Forum is here to help you earn this distinction through:
- Newly Appointed CAEs: Congratulations to our new CAEs!
- CAE Recertification Requirements: Beginning with certificates due to renew in 2020, of the 40 credits required, one credit must be focused on ethics.
- CAE Information: You don’t have to visit a million different websites to learn about the CAE process; we’ve collected answers to your most common CAE questions right here in an easy-to-read and easy-to-access FAQ format.
- CAE Study Group: Association networking, education test-prep have never been so easy. Our CAE Study Group meets virtually to give you convenient access to Chicago associations’ best CAE resources. We offer the CAE Study Group twice a year.
- CAE Scholarships: If you have the motivation to achieve your CAE — but could use a boost from additional funds — we can help with one of our CAE scholarships, awarded twice a year to Chicago associations’ aspiring CAE candidates.
Please email to request a record of your CAE Hours from Association Forum education and events.

Association Forum is a CAE Registered Provider. Programs that have been approved for CAE credit will clearly identify the number of CAE credits granted for full participation. We will maintain records of your participation in accordance with CAE policies. For more information about the CAE credential or Registered Provider program, please visit
Note: Applicants may use any program that meets eligibility requirements in the specific timeframe towards the CAE exam application or renewal. No specific individual courses are required as part of the applications – the selection of eligible education is up to the applicant based on his/her needs.